About Us

AxomTimes.inYour Daily Fix of Fast, Accurate, and Beyond!
Welcome to AxomTimes.in, your one-stop shop for blazing-fast, laser-sharp news on everything that matters!

Think of us as :

Your morning jolt: Get your daily dose of news before your coffee kicks in, with headlines delivered faster than you can say “breaking news.”
Your truth compass: No more wading through biased babble. We cut through the clutter to bring you clear, accurate, and objective reporting.
Your knowledge buffet: Go beyond the headlines! Dive deep into national and international affairs, dissect the financial markets, dissect tech trends, and explore fascinating topics like education and automobiles.
But wait, there’s more! AxomTimes.in isn’t just about speed and accuracy. We’re also:

Comprehensive: From politics to pop culture, sports to science, we’ve got it all covered. No stone (or meme) is left unturned.
Engaging: Our articles are informative without being stuffy, insightful without being preachy. We make news fun (gasp!).
Community-driven: We value your voice! Share your thoughts, engage in discussions, and be part of a vibrant community of news enthusiasts.

why choose AxomTimes.in?

Fast: Get your news faster than it can break.
Accurate: No more fake news fog clouding your mind.
Comprehensive: Dive deep into any topic that tickles your fancy.
Engaging: News that’s as entertaining as it is informative.
Community-driven: Be part of the conversation, not just a spectator.
AxomTimes.in: Unleashing Timely Insights, One Story at a Time.

What we Cover


    • Automobile

    • Business

    • Education

    • Entertainment

    • Finance

    • Technology


AxomTimes.in is more than just a news source; it’s a community where curiosity meets knowledge. Join us on this exciting journey as we unleash timely insights together. Where Information Meets Inspiration!

AxomTimes Team

Rakibul Ariyan
Rakibul Ariyan

Rakibul Ariyan, Founder – AxomTimes.in

Rakibul ariyan is a YouTuber and successful blogger and also working in WordPress, Freelancer, Web Developer,AxomTimes.in is the founder and content strategy head. He started blogging career in 2023 and has created many successful blogs and website so far.

Hafiz Shafiul Islam
Dr. Hafiz Shafiul Islam

Hafiz Shafiul Islam Writer – AxomTimes.in

Hafiz Shafiul Islam is the Editor of AxomTimes.in. He has also completed his Post graduation and he has  experience in blogging and digital marketing. Have worked with many businesses and blogs.

Sanidul islam
Sanidul islam, m - pharm

Sanidul Islam, Writer – AxomTimes.in

Sanidul Islam is the writer of AxomTimes.in. Completed master of pharmacy, working as assistant professor in Asian mission institute of pharmaceutical science,  Also experience in article writings . Have worked with many businesses.

FAQs about AxomTimes.in

We pride ourselves on delivering news faster than it can break. AxomTimes.in ensures you get your daily dose of updates.

AxomTimes.in covers a wide range of topics, including Automobile, Business, Education, Entertainment, Finance, and Technology. We strive to be your knowledge buffet.

The AxomTimes team is lead by Rakibul Ariyan, the founder and content strategy head. Other key members include Hafiz Shafiul Islam, the Editor, and Sanidul Islam, a writer with a background in pharmacy and education.

Rakibul Ariyan is a successful YouTuber and blogger, with expertise in WordPress, freelancing, and web development. He started his blogging career in 2023, creating several successful blogs and websites.

Absolutely! AxomTimes.in keeps a finger on the pulse of current affairs, covering trending topics and emerging issues across various domains. Stay ahead of the curve with our timely insights.

AxomTimes.in values feedback from its readers. You can easily submit your suggestions, comments, or feedback through our website’s contact form or by reaching out to us on social media.

Stay connected with AxomTimes.in by subscribing to our newsletter, following us on social media, or downloading our mobile app. Get access to breaking news, in-depth analysis, and engaging content wherever you go.

Rakibul Ariyan’s journey into blogging and content creation was fueled by a deep passion for sharing information and a desire to create a platform that offered a unique blend of speed, accuracy, and engagement.

Rakibul Ariyan is actively involved in steering the content strategy and vision of AxomTimes.in. As the founder, Website devoloper, freelancer and also he working as medical laboratory technician at Thyrocare Technologies Limited,  he oversees the day-to-day operations, ensuring the platform stays true to its commitment to speed, accuracy, and community engagement.